Diabetic Eye Exam

Did You Know?

Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness among U.S. adults ages 20-74.

Diabetic Eye Care​​​​​​​ Q&A

Diabetic Eye Exam - What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects your body’s ability to produce or use a hormone called insulin. When your body turns the food you eat into energy (also called sugar or glucose), insulin is released to help transport this energy into the cells. Insulin acts as a “key” and tells the cells in your body to open and receive glucose. If you produce little or no insulin, or are insulin resistant, too much sugar remains in your blood. Blood glucose levels are higher than normal for individuals with diabetes.

How does diabetes affect eye health?
If the sugar can’t get into the cell, it remains in your blood and can damage your blood vessels and organs. This also applies to the eye, in which the back layer of the eye called the retina contains tiny blood vessels that are highly susceptible to blood sugar damage. If these vessels are damaged, it can lead to bleeding inside the eye, which can cause permanent vision loss.

What is a diabetic eye exam? Is this exam different than a routine eye exam?
A diabetic eye exam is a specialized medical exam performed to evaluate the health of your eyes and your risk for blood sugar related eye conditions. A diabetic exam differs from a routine exam, as our diabetic exam involves specialized testing needed for early detetction of bleeding inside the eye.

What can I expect during a diabetic eye exam?
Your examination will begin with a complete review of your medical history. Our doctors will assess your vision, and then run specialized test to perform a thorough retinal evaluation to ensure your eyes are healthy and have no signs of bleeding (diabetic retinopathy).

  • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) - technology that scans a cross-section of the retina; helpful to rule out swelling inside the eye (diabetic macular edema).
  • Diabetic Electroretinogram (ERG) - specialized test that assesses retinal function, as research shows functional stress precedes structural damage such as bleeding. This test allows us to be proactive in predicting any risk and/or progression of diabetic retinopathy.

Our doctors are proud to partner with your primary care doctor and/or endocrinologist and fax a report of the results of your examination.

As a patient with diabetes, how often should I have my eyes examined?
The early stages of diabetic retinopathy can have no noticeable symptoms, so our doctors at First Class Eye Care recommend a specialized diabetic exam once a year to help monitor your eye health. We often alternate every 6 months between your diabetic exam and your routine eyeglass exam.

To schedule your diabetic eye exam, call First Class Eye Care or request an appointment online today.

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